We have discussed many aspects of an effective job search, including interview techniques, appropriate questions, professional presentation and demeanor, etc., but what about the close of an interview?
The close of the interview affords you yet another opportunity to add any information that you have thought of, or remembered you wanted to mention, while simultaneously remaining engaged in the interview process.
This is a major reason it is best to ask to take notes, as we have mentioned in previous interviewing articles.
Typically the interviewer will lead you by asking ‘if there is anything else you would like to add’ to the discussion, before ending your meeting.
Keep in mind that the interviewer has a schedule to keep, therefore your statements, and/or questions, should be direct and concise.
Seize the opportunity that this leading question provides you, and:
- Reiterate your interest in the position;
- Make a statement of knowledge regarding the firm or department;
- Ask a question that was not previously asked, or answered, to your satisfaction (re-phrase your question);
- Emphasize your personality strengths and skill sets for the requirements of the position;
- Ask when the short-listing will be completed (if appropriate); and
- If you are confident and excited about the position with the particular firm, ASK FOR THE JOB.
This may be your last opportunity to meet face-to-face with this interviewer, and therefore it is imperative that you make your interests and sincere desire for the position known, prior to leaving.
If you do ask for the job, be prepared to substantiate your request vis-à-vis restating your keen interest, professional experience, knowledge, additional skills you bring to the table, and personality ‘fit’ for the role and firm culture, etc.
In addition, you may also state that hiring you will save the interviewer, and thus the firm, a lot of time and unnecessary expense in interviewing other candidates, when you are available, and the perfect candidate for the job.
(Note: Interviewing is not normally ‘billable’ time for the professional conducting the sessions).
This article was originally written by examiner.com